The Risks and Benefits of Shiatsu Massage

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The Japanese practice of healing known as Shiatsu uses touch to stimulate meridian points throughout the body. These points enable the flow of qi (or the energy) to freely flow throughout the body. Shiatsu massage aids in the elimination of toxins from the body and boosts hormone production. It is also non-invasive and easy. In spite of its obscure origins it has been practiced for over 4,000 years.


The practice of Shiatsu massage is not as common in people who are suffering from hypertension or heart issues. Massage therapies stimulate parasympathetic nervous system, which produce neurotransmitters to boost the functioning of your body. Additionally, it improves circulation and generates natural killer cells that are the body's defense against infections. Moreover, Japanese researchers have shown that shiatsu techniques can help prevent heart ailments and improve blood oxygenation. If you're doubtful about the benefits of shiatsu, keep reading!

Shiatsu is a Japanese massage technique. It relies on pressure from fingers to certain acupressure points in order to stabilize and control the body's energy. In addition to balancing the flow of energy it also promotes self-healing. Shiatsu techniques for massage can ease emotional and physical stress, and increase the body's healing capabilities. Shiatsu massages are known to promote the feeling of relaxation as well as a sense health.

Side effects

Shiatsu massage may have negative effects, despite its many benefits. Some people experience tingling, discomfort, or swelling around some pressure points. Pregnant women should not use pressure points to massage as they can lead to miscarriage. Patients with a low blood circulation could experience bruises or swelling after a massage. Before you undergo a Shiatsu Massage you should discuss with your physician.

One study looked at Shiatsu and acupressure on cancer patients. Both practices resulted in higher levels of serotonin, known for helping people feel more calm and focused. Shiatsu also increases dopamine, which can lead to greater efficiency and motivation. Shiatsu is a proven therapy that helps improve sleep and decreases anxiety, is an effective treatment. Around one-fifth of American suffer from a sleep disorder. The Shiatsu treatment can assist these sufferers get the proper rest they want.


Despite the low risks associated to shiatsu massages, there are risks associated to it, too. The risks only apply to massagers with substandard quality or when the equipment is utilized in a non-safe way. Shiatsu massages are a fantastic option for both safety and health. Listed below are some potential risks that come with shiatsu. They include: -

- Precautions should be taken before using Shiatsu on a person suffering from a medical condition. The practice of using Shiatsu for psychological and musculoskeletal issues, even though it might be a bit strange. It has been proven to work in many health conditions such as cancer-related side effects, chronic stress as well as shoulder and bowel discomforts as well as chronic stress and bowel problems. The positive effects of Shiatsu are able to have a profound effect on one's overall health and wellbeing, as well as their capacity to be aware of their body and mind.


Shiatsu massage has roots that go in the past to Japan in the time of monks who traveled to China to study Buddhism as well as traditional Chinese medical practices. They learned about the five elements as well as the interplay between the different cycle of the body. Five elements that are included in these include yin/yang, water and wood in addition to fire and earth. Together with their study of ancient Japanese massage methods, the monks created the healing method known as Shiatsu.

Massage was forbidden to be used during it's Edo period. However, the Emperor permitted blinds to practice it. Massage evolved to what is known today as. The most famous figures like Nakamura as well as Todo Yoshimasu published works on massage during the 1300s. These treatises were eventually known as Amna. Massage's benefits were stressed in these treatises. They included improving organ function and circulation and increasing the body’s ability to eliminate toxins.


Shiatsu massage is a great way to reduce tension in your muscles, increase the energy level and enhance your mental well-being. Shiatsu massage, an ancient kind of massage, is focused on the gentle application of pressure. It's based on the belief that energy could be transferred to a different body component for healing or for energizing reasons. Shiatsu therapists apply gentle pressure to the body's meridians to stimulate blood flow. Before the massage, a practitioner can apply acupressure to specific parts of the body in order to identify which parts are weak or overstimulated.

Shiatsu can be a wonderful way to relax muscles and increase circulation. Research by the University of Alberta reveals that Shiatsu is an effective treatment for those suffering of concussions. 창원출장마사지 Shiatsu can help people relax, increase the quality of sleep, reduce stress hormone cortisol levels and improve brain chemicals dopamine and serotonin. Shiatsu can also be beneficial for the skin. Shiatsu can help maintain healthy skin because it influences the capillaries.

Treatment Options

The Shiatsu massage is beneficial for many reasons. It can improve your energy levels as well as stimulate the circulatory, hormonal and lymphatic systems. Additionally, it has been utilized to treat a variety of well-known health issues, like joint pain, sciatica back pain, neck discomfort, and sprains. You can use it to help treat sinusitis and blocked passageways. It should however be noted that massage using shiatsu is not recommended for people suffering from certain medical issues.

Shiatsu, one of the Japanese method of massage which utilizes pressure on specific parts of the body through the rhythm of movements, is based on finger pressure. Through balancing the flow of energy, your body will be healed. Alongside promoting general wellness and healing, the it is also a soothing sensation. After each session, patients are reported to feel relaxed. Shiatsu massage options are numerous. But, if you're keen in learning more about the advantages of Shiatsu, here are some Shiatsu massage treatments you can consider: