The Single Best Strategy To Use For Minecraft Unveiled

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Abstract (summary) The study explores the educational benefits of video games and video game based learning. Specifically this qualitative research study investigates the effectiveness of a well-known video game called Minecraft in a classroom. Three semi-structured interviews were conducted with educators who use Minecraft in class as a main, optional, or supplementary tool. Participants were asked to share their experiences of experiences with Minecraft. MINECRAFT The results suggest that Minecraft can be used as an excellent tool that can decentralize instruction, fosters students' imagination, promotes collaboration in class, allows for cross-classroom and cross-curricular teaching and addresses the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and students with difficulties in school and could possibly have therapeutic value for students with learning disabilities. However the introduction of Minecraft into a classroom can be difficult due to the initial financial investment, technological knowledge, and regulations for boards. Teachers who are considering using Minecraft in their schools should ensure that students have access to the game-based learning environment and that they are guided by their teachers.